The global citizens' haven


Owned by the community
We are a co-living in the Georgian village
co-owned by nomads from all over the world.

This is our home and it is open
for like-minded people.

We plan to build decentralised homes around the earth for global citizens.

We already have cabins, tents, organic farm, communal house, village house and many other things. We plan to build up to 60 houses on our land.

You can already come as a guest and invest becoming our majesty!
Common values
We get together to support each other and transmit common values to this world – and change it
for the better. We create a physical space with nurturing and caring environment for like-minded
people to interact more efficiently and charge each other with positive energy.
We share love for ourselves, friends and like-minded people, wishing the best to everyone on this planet. We are all kings and queens in our kingdom. Over here, we care for each other and respect personal boundaries, no matter the gender, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation.
We stand for a scientific approach when making decisions. The world is not perfect, but we are living in the greatest time in history thanks to scientific progress. Security, freedom, comfort, information accessibility and affordable traveling.
We explore progressive ways of collaboration when making decisions. This is a social experiment with future-oriented goals. The Majesties determine the project development.
Clean air, water and food are essential for us as a species to live a full and healthy life. We want to create projects without damaging local eco-systems. We ensure environmental compensation by consuming locally, recycling, reducing packaging waste and using eco-friendly materials.
Our project gives space to creativity and self-fulfilment. Everyone is welcome to take part in individual or common art projects.
Above all else, we want to enjoy life, nature, each other. We are making this projects to create more moments to cherish. We love simplicity, joyfulness and comfort.
To create emotionally
safe places
for people sharing progressive
and humanitarian values
To trigger positive changes in the life around us
towards an ecological mindset through personal activism and local community engagement
To learn to take
collective decisions
and shoulder responsibility
How to become
our Majesty?
Invest in the project and get some profits!
Eternal days
Make an investment and collect free days every year at Chapiteau.
Come by yourself or make a gift to your friends and colleagues.
At the same time, you acquire company shares.
How else can I participate?
Become a volunteer
We have already hosted 200+ people from 30 different countries.

Offer your competencies
Design. IT-solutions. Fundraising. Everything that you can help remotely.

Willing to give a hand?

Information support
Help the world to get to know us. Mass media, social networks, digital communities and any other platforms.

If you are ready to help
About Chapiteau
Kingdom location, why Georgia and what are we planning to create here
our Majesties
Just look at them

  • vanya mitin
    Founder: Chateau Chapiteau, Bolotov Dacha, Bolotov Village, Ziferblat, Treehouse. Inventor of "anti-cafe" concept.
  • Valentina Zhukova
    Construction Coordinator
  • Ana Pirtskheliani
    Farm Coordinator
  • Nini Khuroshvili
    Team coordinator
  • Mirian Makharadze
  • Katya Davydova
    Kitchen Coordinator
  • Anna Lamonova
    Hospitality Coordinator
  • Annechka Morozova
    Photo and Video

Since 2010 we create places bound to become an important part of people's lives. Here, you can find friends, activities, and a lifestyle.
A place where everyone paid as much as they wanted.
The first place worldwide where you pay only for the time spent / This format gained popularity as an 'anti-café' and was repeated 3,000+ times.
20+ Ziferblats: the UK, Ukraine, Slovenia, Mongolia, and Russia.
A countryside hotel for 60 guests in Tula Oblast / 10,000 guests in 2 years /
Average annual occupancy rate: 68,8% (May-Oct 80,5% | Nov-Apr 59%)
A village with 70 land plots close to Bolotov.Dacha for those who want to be close to nature, keeping the same level of comfort and culture as in town.

© 2020 Chateau Chapiteau